Sunday, February 1, 2009

Erin's Birthday

Well it's been a busy two weeks as my classes ramp up, I strive to get more participation in the Association for International Management (AIM) at school, and decisions get made for Erin's and my wedding.  I goes by so fast that it's hard to believe that it's already February. 

The good news is that I'm in great health.  After a checkup with my doctor last week and some blood work it looks like I won't need an expensive (and potentially dangerous over time) medication that I've been taking every couple of months since '07.  Like many medications it was something that was very helpful at the time, but not something that I want to be on for a long time, so I'm happy at that result.

Frustration came later last week as I organized a meeting for AIM to talk about events that we would be doing this year.  I got several pizzas expecting a large number of people, but very few showed up.  Running a volunteer organization can be rewarding many times, but it can also be very frustrating at times.  It's hard to find the right level of emotional involvement to stay excited, energize others, and not get burnt out.

Later last week it was time to turn to wedding decisions again.  Erin and I went to see a jewelry store on Friday to discuss wedding bands and fixing the engagement ring I had given her.  The engagement ring, which Erin has fallen in love with, is a beautiful heirloom that used to be my great-grandmother's.  However, after 80 or so years there is a bit of damage to it that needs to be fixed for it to be wearable without worry.

Erin and I didn't realize the extent of the needed repair until we took it to the jewelry store and a lady with a loupe (little magnifying eyepiece) started stating all the damages and adding up the costs to repair.  The brusque nature of the delivery left us a little down so that it was hard to focus on the options the store provided for wedding bands.

On this last Friday Erin and I went to see another jeweler; one that was recommended to us by Erin's sister and who works out of his basement.  Here we received a much gentler, personal, and casual welcome.  Whether the delivery was better or we were more prepared to talk about the ring's damage it sounded much better from this jeweler.  His ideas for wedding bands also seemed more creative and in line with what we were thinking.  I think we're going with this nicer jeweler.

The other wedding decision we went with was to go with a local baker that will make us cupcakes and a pie to cut for our wedding (instead of the more traditional wedding cake).  As a creative type it was fun talking with her, seeing the different designs she could do on cupcakes, and tasting the different varieties.  I really like the idea of cupcakes since people get options of what to have (probably a choice of chocolate with ganache, amaretto, and carrot cake).  Plus, I've always preferred pie, so Erin and I are going to cut an apple pie for that part of the ceremony.  I'm so happy that Erin and I are making these decisions together so we can both have a wonderful day in June.

The other fun news from these past two weeks was how Erin and I celebrated her birthday.  We went to dinner on Wednesday night (her actual birthday) with her parents.  Then yesterday we celebrated with her friends at a variety of locations.  We started the festivities at the local laser-tag place.  It was fun moving through the large, dark, foggy maze shooting people with the lasers while trying to duck and dodge in an everyone-for-themselves game.  We followed that with a trip to a wine bar where everyone could chat and enjoy wines.  Then we went over to see a Denver University hockey game as they faced off against Anchorage, Alaska.  By the time we had final drinks at a nearby bar, we were ready to call it a day.

Today Erin and I are getting some work done before we head over to my friend Brian's place to watch the Superbowl, have some second-Thanksgiving food, and wish his brother -who's going to Fort Polk, Louisiana- the best of luck.  It should be a great time.

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