Monday, June 28, 2010

Garage Sale and Father's Day

This post is a little late, but it feels like so much is happening these days that I should separate the weeks into different posts.  About two weeks ago I was busy helping a client with their first webinar while dog-sitting and working with Erin to prepare for a garage sale.  It combined to be more work than I expected, but everything worked out well in the end.  The webinar came off without too many problems, Smokey-dog was great fun to hang out with, and we ended up making some money from the garage sale.

The weekend was the busiest.  On Friday, after looking after Smokey, Erin and I started moving stuff to her parent's place in Greenwood Village for the garage sale.  We decided to have it there since they actually have a garage and we don't.  That night we met with our friends Laura and Jim for a nice pasta dinner and a game of miniature golf.  It was nice to catch up with them and putt around the course.  We tried to get to bed early though because of the sale the next day.

Saturday we planned to get up early, but overslept a little and so had to rush to get signs put out, get some breakfast, and get our stuff moved out of the garage.  In fact, there were people waiting when we got back from putting up the signs and stood around as we moved stuff out.  It was a bit awkward, but the day would hold more interesting characters (like a guy on a bike looking for almanacs).  I had to leave Erin at it for the second half as I went to take care of Smokey one last time before Reynold and Janet returned.  Getting back to her in the afternoon I saw many things had sold, but there was still some stuff that we needed to get rid of at Goodwill and try selling on Craigslist.  While we made some money from the endeavor it was certainly not worth all the effort.  We returned home exhausted and thinking we should limit the amount of stuff we get in the future.

Sunday was Father's Day and so we found ourselves back at Erins' parent's place to celebrate.  We had a great Vietnamese lunch before going out for a walk in Lakewood.  We finished by grilling up some chicken and eating outside.  It was a fun day which included lots of time playing with their dog, Dante.  As I got a chance to talk to my own dad on the phone I was appreciative of the things our dads do (both big and small) that give us the ability to live and enjoy the lives we have today.  Thank you Dad.

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